The Pros & Cons of Loans on Car Titles

Due to the economic crisis that we are experiencing with banks failing, mortgage companies going bankrupt and just all around crisis. I can imagine that you are wondering what options you may have. Well I have one that you might be efficient for you. Getting a loan on your car title. While this doesn't pertain to people who still owe money on the car. You can go to your bank and see if they will help you refinance. 

Now I am going to give a list of the pros & cons to getting a loan on your car title. Let's start with the cons (every one seems to like bad news first) 


  1.  It can get you through the payday gap
  2. You can pay bills or buy groceries
  3. You still get to keep your car

Hm, not that many to go off that, I personally don't think..


  1. You are charged insane interest rates
  2. You can lose your car if you don't plan your finances accordingly
  3. Did I mention losing your car if you don't pay back based on your pay schedule
  4. They don't give you money based on how much your car is worth,

Now this is my opinion and you are going to do what you are going to do but I am hoping that before you getting loans on car titles, you'll think & act responsibly with your credit. So i thought i would create this article and let you know there is hope for you & your situation.

Now I want you to take a big breath, and I want you to follow me through this rationally. Before you go get loans on car titles, is there anything that you can eliminate or do without? You really don't need 768 different channels do you? Do you need that $4.67 chai latte every morning. I know, they are SOO good but really in the times when you are considering a loan. It's okay to go without for a minute or two. So the first solution is to eliminate anything & everything that might be eating up your daily costs

Ok, now that we have eliminated the extra garbage that was eating into your profits, let's look at the slightly bigger picture. Are you living somewhere where you can perhaps, oh I dunno reduce down to? Reduce the amount of house you have.

Instead of driving to work, sell your car and get a bus pass, but now if you live out in bum dum Egypt, that might be hard but there are additional resources such as walking if you are within a 5 mile radius. I promise you'll love your body after a few weeks of doing this.

Now here is the final thought, maybe get a second job as a freelancer & no I am not here to sell you on loans on car titles or work at home schemes. I am here to really help you make ends meet. Why am I taking this time to educate you. Jesus cares about you and he wants you to live a productive life. There is so much out there to do. I suggest you get plugged into your community so that you can help one another & maybe come up with better resources instead of going to get a loan that can potentially harm you even more than where you started.

Find your passion or something you are good at, get on Craigslist, browse around. There are a million opportunities out there waiting to be shifted through and to be utilized!

I strongly encourage you to keep your options open & look around for alternatives. Now if you decide that you are going to go ahead and get a loan on your car title. Please, i strongly encourage you to borrow responsibly! For those who believe and those who teeter on the thin line, pray this through, don't act hasty. It truly is your life at sake.

Good luck!